Los Angeles Weekender (2021)
This is an itinerary for a long weekend (4 days) through Los Angeles, California in the United States. It includes detailed activities, logistics, photos, custom maps, as well as hyperlinks to vendors, and additional information.
It is delivered in pdf format and works great for a smartphone, tablet, and laptop; however, it can also be printed (8.5” x 11”).
This is an itinerary for a long weekend (4 days) through Los Angeles, California in the United States. It includes detailed activities, logistics, photos, custom maps, as well as hyperlinks to vendors, and additional information.
It is delivered in pdf format and works great for a smartphone, tablet, and laptop; however, it can also be printed (8.5” x 11”).
This is an itinerary for a long weekend (4 days) through Los Angeles, California in the United States. It includes detailed activities, logistics, photos, custom maps, as well as hyperlinks to vendors, and additional information.
It is delivered in pdf format and works great for a smartphone, tablet, and laptop; however, it can also be printed (8.5” x 11”).
This trip was taken in the month of September for a taste of Los Angeles, California and the surrounding area. We were based out of Hollywood for a couple nights and Santa Monica for a couple more. Horseback riding in the hills, name-spotting along the Walk of Fame, checking out the views from the Griffith Observatory, and taking the TMZ Celebrity Tour satisfied our Hollywood fix! Our hunger for non-surgically crafted beauty was satiated along Venice Beach and a day trip up along the majestic 101 coast to Santa Barbara. This trip certainly did not cover everything, but it definitely was a tasty and diverse buffet of the L.A. area!
All information directly and indirectly accessible within this itinerary is for informational purposes only. TravelDispatch.com and its affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for any damages or injuries directly or indirectly resulting from use of this information. Users accept all responsibility for any financial, physical, or emotional impact to themselves and others when using the information herein.