Welcome to Chile!

We took our 10-day jaunt over the New Year through Santiago, Patagonia, and Easter Island of Chile. We started with excellent views and cuisine in the vibrant capital city of Santiago before flying down to drive and hike our way through the epically beautiful Torres del Paine National Park. Once our eyes and legs we exhausted we migrated north to the remote island of Rapa Nui, otherwise known as ‘Easter Island.’ We wandered across the island seeking out sunset, sunrise, and as many Moai statues we could find. We eventually made our way back to the outskirts of Santiago to explore the mountainous beauty of Cajón del Maipo and deliciousness of more local wineries. Chile is a huge country but we were able to take some pretty big bites out of the diverse landscapes and experiences it has to offer.

Our Detailed Itinerary!

Photos from Chile!