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Travel Write Up Don Nott Travel Write Up Don Nott

ICELAND – “Our Wedding Story”

It’s very rare that I travel to an international destination more than once. With so many amazing places across the world and the restrictions and responsibilities of everyday life, I plan whirlwind trips through each destination because it’s likely the first, last, and only time I’ll ever visit. With that said, Iceland managed to capture our hearts and beckon us to not only visit once again, but offer us a hand in marriage.

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Travel Write Up Don Nott Travel Write Up Don Nott

ICELAND – “Discover A Place to Return”

I don’t envy the tourist board tasked with attracting travelers to a destination called “Iceland.” There are no large amusement parks, tropical white sand beaches, or even a single Starbucks. Most people might recall its recent financial meltdown, or perhaps the volcanic eruption that closed European airspace for several days. Its only highway, shockingly donned Highway 1, provides a 2-lane ribbon of asphalt around the perimeter of the island, while the river-breached roads of the interior are restricted to 4-wheel drive vehicles. Iceland’s culinary all-stars include fermented shark, roasted sheep head, minke whale, puffin, and horse; all of which can be washed down with the national firewater: Brennivin, otherwise known as “Black Death.” All of this begs the question: Why would anybody want to travel to Iceland? It’s exactly this type of question that drives me in search of an answer.

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