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Travel Write Up Don Nott Travel Write Up Don Nott

AUSTRALIA – “A Tale of Two Countries”

What do Americans really know about Australia? Do they picture Paul Hogan wandering through the Outback holding a Koala and oil can of Fosters while listening to ACDC? Perhaps, it’s Nicole Kidman dining on kangaroo steak and a bloomin’ onion while drinking Shiraz in the shadows of the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge? Regardless of ridiculous stereotype, I wanted to better understand the energy and people of Australia during a recent trip to the land of Oz. What I found along the way were gregariously friendly and resourceful people that were proud of their beautiful country. Many Americans probably romanticize Australia as this wild and exotic place down unda’; and certainly, that wouldn’t be too far from reality. However, I found that Australia and the USA have more in common than they might care to admit.

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